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Christian Aid Week resources

We've made some changes to how you order resources from Christian Aid. From now on, you will need to create an account and sign in when placing an order. 

By creating an account, your details will be securely saved, making future orders much quicker and simpler. Sign up quickly at the checkout or register here, or if you have used our fundraising site, you can use these details to sign in.

9 resource(s) Clear search

See Christian Aid Week in film.
7 ways to make a difference - your way. Share this with your congregations.
7 ways to make a difference - your way. Share this with your congregations.
Everything you need to start your 70k in May challenge for 2025!
Christian Aid Week posters
Let us help you spread the word about Christian Aid Week in your church, community and through local press and social media.
Christian Aid Week 2025 Quiz